Keeping It Real: Kingdom Conversations with Chris Barhorst and Jon Jebavy
We wanted to give others a chance to listen in on two friends who love Jesus talking about the word and truth. Each week we will release an entire conversation that is about an hour and a half. Every conversation will be three parts and be around forty minutes each episode. Every Monday will be part 1, Wednesday part 2 and Friday part 3, and every week is a different conversation. We pray you find hope in every episode as we discuss different topics. These conversations may challenge you or encourage you. Always ask the Father about what you hear and let Him confirm His truth to you; never take what anyone says as truth without confirmation from Holy Spirit. We hope you are blessed by these podcasts!
10 episodes
Perceptions Of The Heart (Part 1 of 3)
How do you perceive yourself, Jesus, and everything around you? Perception is everything when it is from the heart. How we see from the heart is creating our life and how we interact with life, friends, co-workers, and God Himself.
Season 4
Episode 1

Are You Righteous? (Part 3 of 3)
We made it to Friday! End of the work week! We close out this weeks conversation of amazing content. God is so good to us! We hope you subscribe and go back and listen to our past conversations. Be blessed and we will see you on Monday with a f...

Are You Righteous? (Part 2 of 3)
We continue our conversation about righteousness. If you haven't heard part 1 we encourage you to go back and listen. We believe you will be blessed!

Are You Righteous? (Part 1 of 3)
There are only two kinds of righteousness in the world, which one are you?
Season 3
Episode 1

Who do you say you are? Part 3 of 3
The last episode of "Who do you say you are?"Email us and let us know what you think about the new podcast.KingdomConversations25@gmail.com
Season 1
Episode 6

Who do you say you are? Part 2 of 3
A continuation of "Who do you say you are?" How do you see yourself? How does God see you and think of you? Does He see your struggle or is He calling you to come up higher?Our email is: KingdomConversations25@gmail.comYou are more ...
Season 1
Episode 5

Who do you say you are? Part 1 of 3
How do you measure yourself? Do you see yourself the way God does or do you only see yourself based on what you behold in your mirror? Join us in this conversation and discover the way God sees you and the way you should see yourself. We have a...
Season 1
Episode 4

God Is Not Done With You (part 3 of 3)
The final episode of God Is Not Done With You! If you just joined us on this episode, I encourage you to go back to part 1 and 2. Make sure to subscribe so you get notified of new conversations!
Season 1
Episode 3

God Is Not Done With You (part 2 of 3)
The continued conversation with Jon and Chris. Jesus is not done with you no matter what anyone tells you or what the enemy is telling you. If you missed the first episode, I encourage you to go back and listen to the beginning of the conversat...
Season 1
Episode 2

God Is Not Done With You (part 1 of 3)
You are not alone, there are others out there just like you that have gone through trauma and are being delivered! Don't let the enemy count you out with guilt, shame, and condemnation; God is not done with you or mad at you! Jon explains how h...
Season 1
Episode 1